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Tennis, Squash and Padel in Appiano and surroundings

Fancy trying a new activity on holiday? Young and old, beginners and experienced tennis players alike are drawn to Appiano, as there are numerous facilities in our picturesque village where you can practise this sport. You can also try the trendy sport of Squash in the town hall in nearby Bolzano.

Sports zone Rungg

Tennis and padel all year round

5 clay courts, 1 roofed hard court and 2 padel courts are available. In winter, 4 clay courts are roofed

Palasport Bolzano

Fun with Squash

At Palasport in the provincial capital, 6 Squash courts await you. They are open in the winter season and can be comfortably booked online.

Tennis Sparer

Sports and enjoyment

Play next to the Monticolo Lakes and try delicious, South Tyrolean cuisine. Playground and petting zoo included.

Appiano Golf Club

Padel in an upscale environment

At the Appiano Golf Club, you can now practise this relatively new sport. The courts are lit up for playing in the evening.
walk through the hotel
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